
We believe the Bible is the verbal (every word) and plenary (complete) inspired Word of God as contained in the original manuscripts. We believe that the employment of a literal, grammatical/historical method of interpretation–a face value hermeneutic–is the best method of interpretation to discover the Scriptures intended meaning as opposed to an allegorical or spiritualized interpretation.

We believe there is but one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Deity of Christ; His virgin birth; the shedding of His blood for the atonement of His elect; His bodily resurrection; His ascension; His return for the Church during her persecution at the hands of Antichrist, before God’s wrath is poured out on the rebellious world that remains; and the establishment of His kingdom on earth over which He will rule from Mount Zion.

We believe in the existence of a personal devil, Satan, who was created perfect, but willfully sinned and became the arch enemy of God and His creation. We believe the ultimate defeat of Satan has been determined through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; to be executed by Christ at the final satanic-lead revolt at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth.

We believe that all men are by nature sinful and lost and that the regeneration of each and every individual, by the Holy Spirit, is absolutely essential for their salvation. We believe that men are justified solely by means of God’s grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ; that man is totally unable to yield to the Lordship of Christ, in himself; and that only God, in His sovereign wisdom, love, and power, works to achieve the salvation of His chosen people.

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells, sanctifies, gifts, and empowers believers for service, enabling them through obedience to the Word of God to live lives of increasing holiness. We believe signs and wonders were given in the apostolic era to authenticate and confirm the apostles’ message, but that today Scripture is the sole test of the validity of a man’s message. We believe Scripture offers limitations on the exercise of glossolalia (speaking in an unlearned, known language) in worship: (1) tongues are for a sign to unbelievers and for the edification of the whole church and not the individual; (2) only two or three individuals are to speak in turn and one is to interpret; (3) and if no interpreter is present, no one is allowed to speak in a tongue.

We believe that the believer is eternally saved, once for all, when indwelled by the Holy Spirit and that those who die in unbelief are consciously and eternally condemned to the lake of fire.

We believe Genesis 1-11 records the truthful and literal account of the creation, the fall, the flood and the division of the nations. We believe in a literal six-day, 24 hour-day creation, and a universal flood.

We believe in water baptism by immersion, identifying the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ and that the Lord’s table is the commemoration of His death until He comes.

We believe that the supreme mission of the Church is to glorify God and to preach the Gospel to all the world, assisting the Holy Spirit in the work of evangelism and instructing new believers on those things Christ taught His disciples.

We believe that it is the man’s responsibility alone to pastor and/or oversee the church (in the work of the elders), provided that he meet the standards of leadership required by Scripture.