History of the Bible
A Brief History By Dr. Herbert Samworth The printing of the King James Bible was a compromise solution to a situation where two translations of the Bible were in competition. This took place in the following manner. Although William Tyndale was the primary translator...
History of the Bible
New King James Version • New American Standard Bible • English Standard Version • Revised Standard Version • New International Version • New Living Translation • New English Bible By Dr. Herbert Samworth If you had been looking to purchase a Bible fifty years ago,...
History of the Bible
By Dr. Herbert Samworth The history of the English Bible in the years after the printing of the King James Version differs greatly from what occurred previously. These years lack the drama of translators, printers and merchants who hazarded their lives and fortunes to...
History of the Bible
By Dr. Herbert Samworth As the fourth decade of the sixteenth century began, the prospect of a permanently divided Christendom dominated the horizon. The unity of the Holy Roman Empire, a union of Church and State, had been shattered by the Lutheran heresy. However,...
History of the Bible
The Roman Catholic Church Response to the Protestant Demand for Reformation of the Church (1545-1563) By Dr. Herbert Samworth The Council of Trent, considered the nineteenth ecumenical council by the Roman Catholic Church, was the most important of the Sixteenth...
History of the Bible
Three Tracts by Martin Luther Written in 1520: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and The Freedom of a Christian By Dr. Herb Samworth There are many who know of Martin Luther solely by the words that...
History of the Bible
By Dr. Herb Samworth The Middle Ages are frequently perceived as a time when little of importance took place. However, such was not the case. In 1215, a council was held that changed the Latin Church and altered the course of history. That council was known as the...
History of the Bible
A Review Article on George Marsden’s Jonathan Edwards, A Life, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2003, 637 pages, $35.00. By Dr. Herbert Samworth The year 2003 marked the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jonathan Edwards, Pastor of...
History of the Bible
By Dr. Herbert Samworth FRITH RETURNS TO ENGLAND In July 1532, Frith returned to England. There was speculation he came to assist the Prior of the Reading Monastery to escape to the European mainland. Regardless of the exact reason, he was arrested as a vagrant and...
History of the Bible
By Dr. Herbert Samworth This British reformer was a pioneer writer on the theme of liberty of conscience. He debated the existence of Purgatory with Sir Thomas More and Cardinal John Fisher. He taught the imputation of Chris’s righteousness to the believer for...